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We will gladly accept the return of products that are defective due to defects in manufacturing and/or workmanship for 30 days from the date of purchase. Fulfillment mistakes that we make resulting in the shipment of incorrect product to you will also be accepted for return 30 days from the date of purchase.

Canceled Orders

You may cancel any order, except special orders, custom equipment, and tubing sold per foot, without penalty prior to shipping. If you cancel the order after we have shipped it, or you refuse delivery on your order, we will refund the price of the product minus all applicable, actual shipping fees (including actual initial shipping fees, return shipping fees and additional carrier charges).

Failed Delivery
If the carrier is unable to deliver the package to you, you can either have us re-attempt shipment or you can cancel the order. In both cases you will be charged for all shipping fees.

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